Launch X431 and Autel MK808 1

Launch X431 and Autel MK808 are two of the most popular car diagnostic scanner tools available on the market today. Both of these devices are designed to help car owners and mechanics diagnose and fix problems with their vehicles. However, there are some differences between these two tools that set them apart from each other.

Launch X431 is a professional-grade car diagnostic scanner tool that is designed for use in a workshop or garage setting. It is a powerful and versatile tool that offers a wide range of features and capabilities. The Launch X431 comes with a large 7-inch touch screen display that makes it easy to read and interpret data. The device supports multiple languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, and more, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

One of the key features of the Launch X431 is its ability to access and diagnose a wide range of vehicle systems, including the engine, transmission, airbags, ABS, and more. The device also supports bi-directional control, which allows mechanics to perform system tests, adjust parameters, and carry out programming functions. This makes it an essential tool for diagnosing and fixing problems with modern vehicles.

The Launch X431 also comes with a large database of fault codes that can be used to diagnose and repair problems. The database is regularly updated, ensuring that mechanics have access to the latest diagnostic information. In addition, the device supports live data streaming, which allows mechanics to view real-time data from the vehicle’s sensors. This helps to diagnose problems quickly and accurately.

Another feature of the Launch X431 is its ability to connect to the internet, allowing users to access online resources, such as repair information and technical support. The device also comes with a built-in Wi-Fi module, making it easy to transfer data to and from the device.


The Autel MK808 is a more compact and portable car diagnostic scanner tool that is designed for use by car owners. Despite its smaller size, the Autel MK808 still offers a range of powerful diagnostic capabilities. The device comes with a 4.3-inch touch screen display that is easy to read and navigate. It is also designed to be lightweight and portable, making it easy to store in a glove box or trunk.

One of the key features of the Autel MK808 is its ability to diagnose and clear fault codes. The device supports OBD-II protocols and can be used to read and clear fault codes from a wide range of vehicle systems, including the engine, transmission, airbags, ABS, and more. The device also supports live data streaming, allowing car owners to view real-time data from their vehicle’s sensors.

The Autel MK808 also comes with a range of other features, including the ability to perform system tests and perform freeze frame analysis. The device also supports printing, allowing users to print out diagnostic data for later reference.

In terms of cost, the Autel MK808 is generally more affordable than the Launch X431. This makes it an attractive option for car owners who are looking for a budget-friendly diagnostic tool. Despite its lower price point, the Autel MK808 still offers a range of powerful diagnostic capabilities, making it a great choice for car owners who want to diagnose and repair problems with their vehicles.


Both the Launch X431 and Autel MK808 are powerful and reliable car diagnostic scanner tools. The Launch X431 is a professional-grade tool that offers advanced features and capabilities, while the Autel MK808 is a more budget-friendly option that is designed for use by car owners. Whether you are a car owner or a mechanic, both of these devices can help you diagnose and repair problems with your vehicle.

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