What is foxFlash?
We are thrilled to introduce foxFlash®, a unique and revolutionary tool designed for automotive professionals, tuners, and engine calibration engineers.
foxFlash is a powerful solution that caters to the needs of professional chiptuners, calibration engineers, and control unit (ECU and TCU) repair shops. It includes multi-method control unit programming for tuning ability and is designed by tuners who understand the demands of the industry.
Unlike traditional flash tools, foxFlash is more than just an ECU programming tool, and therefore, cannot be compared to any of them. While other tools are good at read/write operations, foxFlash provides many important features, both on the developer side and in daily use. That’s why we highly recommend foxFlash.
FoxFlash Highlights:
1. 100% Original
2. Master version
3. Full protocols open
4. Support Types: CAR, TRUCK, MOTORBIKE, TRACTOR, BOAT, Additional TCU package available for Automatic Transmissions.
5. Support Five Mode: OBD, BENCH, JTAG, BOOT, BDM
6. VR read online work ( some ecu need use our VR system , tool auto connect to ousr server donload file )
7. ECU can be restore to original if your ecu was damage or meet some bad tuning , use our tool can restore to original
8. Free update. No subscription, no annual fee
9. No VPN needed. Professional Online support, Faster server (1000M/S),.
10. Supports WiFi hotspot, convenient for outdoor work
11. Auto checksum
12. Online tech support
13. Help desk and tuner account
14. ECU and TCU connect wires with pdf
15. Special functions
16. Auto support eeprom and flash checksum
17. Support MEDC17 free clone service (most of others tool need patch the files after read out,but ours is free)
18. Two Years Warranty
19. Excellent technical support
20. Software can be download on official website (contact us get it )
21. Support Multi-language: Italian, English, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Czech, Romanian, Turkish
FoxFlashR Software Compatible Operating Systems:
Windows 7
Windows 8/8.1
Windows 10
Windows 11
Recommended minimum requirements:
CPU > 2.5 GHz (Intel i5, i7)
64 bits (32 Bit is not supported)
FoxFlashR Manager App V1.3.0:
The manager has been improved, and the foxflashR tool can now be used on a total of 6 computers without unbundling.
We strongly recommend users to use online mode. The reasons are as follows:
1. We can help you check if your file is correct online.
2. The autochecksum can work online check too.
3. It is safer.
4. The online mode can check if your modifying is correct. If not, we can help to solve the problem.
5. The online mode can auto VR read and write from our server, which mean you can get the original file, and we can help you recover or save your broken ecu.
By the way, if you want to go out or work outside with our tool, just use your phone to turn on a hotpot, ours tool can work with hotpot. You will NOT need any VPN, for we have a wordwide server. No matter where you are, you can connect us.
FoxFlashR Supported Functions:
ECU clone
TCU clone
Vmax off
Adblue and SCR off
Flaps OFF
gearbox data to adjust LC
sport display
immo off
dpf off
dtc off
GPF/OPF Removal
DPF Removal
EGR Removal
DTC Removal
ADBlue Removal
HOT Start Fix
IMMO Removal
Readiness Calibration
Flaps / Swirl Removal
TVA Removal
Sport Displays Calibration
Cold Start Noise Reduction
Kickdown Deactivation
StartStop Disable
MAF Removal
Speed Limiter Removal
Torque Monitoring Disable
Burbles Activation
Popcorn Activation
EVAP Removal
Exhaust Flap Removal
SAP Removal
AGS Removal
Lambda/O2 Removal
Launch Control
OBD Reading Protection
Boost Sensor Calibration
LC, AL and NLS for MED9.1
Checksum Fix
vmax, swirl off
restoring ECU or TCU factory setting service
VIN fix (EEPROM support checksum , so you can easy change VIN then write back )
Supported Winols damos supply
As we all know,winols damaos and A2L is very expensive,we supply these to ours customer as free, so you can get it for chitpuning , dtc off, and so on
Supported Control Units
We believe a control units list can be considered as a more safe approach to correctly target the overall tuning procedure due to the fact that a lot of brands offer identical car models & versions that share
different Control Unit types.
Please note that foxFlashR can help you select the right protocol with its auto-detection feature during identification on most control units.
FoxFlashR Support Types:
1. CAR
6. Additional TCU package available for Automatic Transmissions.
Support 5 Modes and Full System
1. OBD mode: (read the data from Diagnostic port ,you need remove the ecu or tcu from car or open the ecu box , just read everything from car, we also support obd vr read, we supply original file from our server, you can direct obd vr read it )
2. BENCH mode: we also call it service mode, you can use this mode clone or backup all ecu data, read the internal flash and external flash and eeprom data, so you can save a lot of money for clone ecu and tcu , you also can clone tcu and chiptuning with this mode.
3. Jtag mode: open the ecu , and wire it or use ours adapter connect ecu ways,some of denso ecu always need use this mode for read and write.
4. Boot mode: open the ecu and always can backup everything , read the flash and eeprom , you can save some ecu cause your obd write failed, or some others reason cause the ecu dead.
5. Full system: you can read and write by pinout for most of ecu and tcu.
6. BDM mode: some of the ecu need read and write in bdm mode ,open the ecu and use ours adapter connect it.
Multiple connection possibilities:
1.Bench mode

2.Full system mode

3.Boot mode:

4.BDM mode

5.Gear box mode:

Foxflash full package dispaly:
1pc x master machine
1pc x fx bench box
1pc x usb cable
1pc x power adapter
1pc x fox box store over 10 adpaters
1pc x jtag and bdm cables
1pc x pen
1pc x notebook
1pc x suitcase
1pc x functions cable for boot, bench , kline links .
1pc x truck OBD cable
1pc x car OBD cable
1pc x papers box protect ship
1pc x install guide which write in a papers
1pc x main software
1pc x technical Support
1pc x login account for software and tools
1pc x pacakges pdf for connect ecu and tcu
1pc x Join facebook group for support
1pc x online chat support for use
Extra pacakge according users request after user order and get the tool ,users can request these from foxFlashR team
1pc x tuner account
1pc x helpdesk
1pc x WinOLS damaos, A2L
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